This particular helmet came through the door here in Alexandria. This is an original CGF Gallet TC-2000 full cut helmet in size medium, with a Norotos TATM baseplate and TATM dovetail mount. The CGF Gallet helmets are exceptionally uncommon due to their limited use by American and other NATO SOF units. This particular helmet was brough in by a former 75th Ranger (Unknown Battalion unfortunately) and was just a stripped shell. The other items were included in the lot so it was deemed reasonable to outfit the helmet as such. The helmet itself was manufactured on 09/21/2001 making it an early example of these helmets. The TATM shroud and arm have later date marks of 2007. The helmet is drilled for a single hole shroud but there were no single hole mounts included in the lot.
Included in this great collectors piece:
CGF Gallet TC-2000 Helmet, Medium
Norotos Ratchet Mount with TATM Dovetail Arm
Original Black Chin Strap and black helmet pads
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